Puget Sound Starts Here
Communities working together to protect Puget Sound.


Stormwater Educational Resources for Formal and Informal Educators

Drain Rangers Curriculum

Investigating Polluted Stormwater Runoff in Elementary Grades Elementary School Resources


Investigating Polluted Stormwater Runoff in Secondary Grades
Secondary School Resources


A guide to implementing StormFest - an interactive, outdoor stormwater education festival - with your own school district middle school students! Curriculum can be adapted for students in grades 4th through 8th. Toolkit includes event planning guide, StormFest curriculum, StormFest templates, and evaluation of Highline StormFest program.
StormFest Resources

Stormwater Runoff Education Resource Guide

These guides were created by King County to aid teachers in finding environmental programs that show the relation of ecology, clean water, runoff water and stormwater. We hope these resources will help students connect science and engineering with natural processes.

Environmental Education Centers



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